The Yang women don't like having the remaining Yang heir head to his probable death, especially since he’s young and not as skilled as his many sisters, cousins, aunts, great-aunts and also his mom, grandma and great-grandma. Yes, there are four generations of women warriors in the Yang Clan, and outside of a few they all look twenty to thirty years of age. One could claim poor suspension of disbelief right there, but that's just how the film rolls - take it or leave it. Thankfully, the women can kick ass, which they do with cool weaponry, obvious fight training and very necessary wirework. Legendary Amazons entertains with unrealistic, over-the-top and very plentiful action sequences. The set up to the Yang Clan’s story is muddled and uneven, but after about thirty minutes the women are fighting foreign invaders in the desert, and the action never really lets up. There's a fun and uneven nineties-era vibe to the fighting female action, which helps offset the film's many detriments.
Frankie Chan hails from an earlier Hong Kong Cinema time, when filmmaking was shoot-from-the-hip, overwrought and given to sometimes entertaining sloppiness. Legendary Amazons feels like a product of that era, except with filmmaking innovations like visual effects – which the film uses terribly, by the way. Green screen work here is shoddy and unconvincing, and sometimes takes the audience out of the film. Acting, script and storytelling aren't much better (though the subtitles are entertaining, natch). Few of the actors acquit themselves well, the story never earns any emotion, and characterization is so routine that it’s hard to distinguish the Yang women from one another. Ultimately, the women are only recognizable if you know the characters from history or fiction, or if you know the actors themselves. Some familiar faces are present: Kathy Chow and Yukari Oshima (The Osh!) make rare movie appearances, as do eighties fixtures Wu Ma and Lin Wei. Grace Yip (Y2K from Gen-X Cops) appears in the background for no apparent reason. If you're not excited by this Hong Kong Cinema name-dropping, nobody over here will blame you.
For a fictionalized historical epic, Legendary Amazons is a bust, offering little besides its assumed "girl power" message and perfunctory placement in Chinese history. The film only covers part of the Yang Clan's story anyway (more will be told in Ronny Yu's Saving General Yang), and fails to convey the impact or importance of their valor or sacrifice. One wonders why S.A.R.F.T. didn't rebuke the filmmakers for referencing history poorly, but since they didn't we get this unconvincing and yet still entertaining relic. If you don't take the film seriously, ignore the obligatory drama and just go with the flow, the plentiful and goofy action may be enough to get you through. Anyway, you should stick around until the end to see Yukari Oshima hopping through the battlefield on pogo shoes. Yes, pogo shoes! Also, true to executive producer Jackie Chan, we get an end credits blooper reel showing the actors dropping swords, slipping on ice, getting tangled in wires, etc. The outtakes remind that action movies require effort and sometimes injury, and if nothing else, Legendary Amazons deserves respect for that. (Kozo, 2011).
Total Size 400 MB (.mkv)
Subtitle: N/A
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