Harga Paket Dieng | Berapakah Biaya Yang Harus Di Keluarkan ???

Berapakah Harga Paket Dieng ??? Butuh Info Kami Solusinya,,Harga paket ke Gunung Dieng sangat Bervariasi Tergantung Fasilitas yang di dapat dan fasilitas yang di sediakan para pelaku wisata Dieng yang menyediakan paket tour Dieng, Para Wisatawan tinggal bisa memilih dan menimbang mana yang cocok menurut dan apa yang di inginkan,,Mahal belum tentu Baik Murah juga Belum Tentu Jelek,Tapi pastinya Mahal dikit lebih baik kalau di lihat dari Harga, tapi bisa juga di nilai dari pelayanan ketika di lapangan tidak hanya fasilitas yang di sediakan,
Ini lah kenapa Kami sebagai pihak pelaku wisata Dieng dan menyediakan paket Tour Dieng Selalu Menimbang nimbang untuk Harga Paket Tour Dieng,Kami selalu berusaha mengimbangi untuk Harga dan layanan fasilitas dan kami selalu mengukur kemampuan kita sebatas manan,

Hrga Paket ke Gunung Dieng yang Sudah Kami Siapkan Meliputi :

1. Paket One Day Tour Untuk Rombongan Meeting Point Wonosobo ( Buka )
2. Paket One Day Tour Private ( Buka )
3. Paket 2 Hari 1 Malam Private ( Buka )
4. Paket 3 Hari 2 Malam Private ( Buka )
5. Paket Travel Private ( Buka )
6. Paket Pendakian ( Buka )
7. Paket Dieng Festival open Trip ( Buka )
8. Homestay ( Buka )
9. Pemandu Tour Guide ( Buka )
10. Paket Rafting ( Buka )

Kami selalu berusaha memberikan layanan yang maksimal dan berusaha mengedepankan Kenyamanan dan Kepuasa Pelanggan,Preriotas utama kami adalah Kenyamanan anda Adalah motivasi Kami

Behind the beauty of Crater eruption Sileri, Dieng, Wonosobo, Indonesia

Sileri crater is one of the places in the Dieng Plateau which offers a very beautiful natural scenery. Not only Sikidang Crater, Crater Sileri located rather far from the tourist zone of one such lake color, Arjuna temple complex and geographically Sikidang.Secara Sileri Crater crater is located in the village of Pakistan, District Batur and Banjarnegara and precisely located on the road to the village of Bitingan. Located between the mountainous area pagerkandang therefore served looked dazzling scenery. This crater is the largest crater in Dieng area is an area of ​​about 4 hectares, most of the surface of the boiling water filled with white grayish and flows into the downstream water the fields below. This is why the color is called Crater Sileri appear. Sileri crater is taken from the word leri namely rice water because water crater Sileri white to gray like rice water.

Sileri crater is active crater at Dieng who experience frequent eruptions. Regions vigilant in Dieng area including Sileri Crater area, Village Bitingan, Crater and Crater Weigh Sinila. Hence the activity of the crater that is monitored at all times to anticipate sudden disaster comes. Sileri recorded crater had erupted among others in 1994, 1964, 1984, 1985, 2003 and 2009. This Sileri crater can be visited at any time if the safe status so do not be afraid of visiting the sights of this one because there is a special institution that monitors and at any time give the news to the tourists and the public.beauty behind the eruption crater which is still active Sileri evident upon entering the gate area Sileri Dieng Crater you will be greeted landscapes are so amazing that expanse of potato farms, carica and vegetables are arranged in terraces that seem typical of green adorned on either side of the road and were able to make your eyes stunned. Not far from the gate about 10 minutes you can see the beauty of the vast crater Sileri with thin smoke rising above it. Can dikata like boiling pool of water with gray. To go to the nearest gazebos witness this natural wonder Dieng you have to walk down the hill along the path that runs between unspoiled and fields of vegetables would look appear fresh in the eyes. That is where you can capture the moment loveliest traveled with family friends and relatives with background widest crater in Dieng and beautiful mountains that surround the region sentiasa natural attractions Sileri crater.

In the morning you will find a rare natural landscape, the time when the water evaporates from the surface of the crater nan when sunlit area would look like in a fairy tale in which hot steam hovering so thick on the surface of the crater and look so real.

From the crater area Sileri Dieng now present the latest in natural attractions Dieng ie waterpark water by utilizing geothermal heat from the crater area Sileri and can be incorporated into the agenda also traveled your trip to Dieng Plateau.

Teletubies hill of Mount Prau Dieng Attractions funny and interesting to be on visit

Teletubies hill of Mount Prau Dieng Attractions funny and interesting to be on visit, Gunung Prau mulai terkenal sejak awal tahun 2014.Gunung Prau Dieng merupakan salah satu pegunungan terbesar di area Dieng Plateau, gunung ini memiliki ketinggian 2.566 mdpl. Gunung yang terbilang tidak terlalu tinggi ini memikat ribuan wisatawan. Pesona Golden Sunrise  yang akan di dapat saat berkunjung dan  pemandangan alam nan luar biasa menjadi suguhan utama saat mengunjungi obyek wisata bukit teletubbies.


pendakian  kurang lebih 3-4 jam perjalanan hingga sampai titik puncak Gunung Prau. Saat ini ada 3 pos resmi pendakian Gunung Prau diantaranya pos pendakian dari Desa Patak Banteng, pos pendakian dari Desa Dieng dan pos pendakian dari Desa Dieng. Dari ketiga pos pendakian memiliki medan yang berbeda.

Pos pendakian dari Desa Patak Banteng waktu yang ditempuh akan lebih singkat karena langsung sampai di titik camp area akan tetapi harus bersiap-siap untuk menakhlukkan puluhan tikungan serta tanjakan tajam. Medan dari pos Patak Banteng memang sangatlah terjal dan jarang tepat datar, keseluruhan medan nya adalah menanjak.

Pos Desa Kalilembu dan Desa Dieng. Medan dari kedua post ini hampir sama jalanan tidak terlalu menanjak, medannya tidak seperti dari pos Patak Banteng hanya saja waktu yang ditempuh agak sedikit lama karena apabila sudah sampai puncak Anda di wajibkan untuk berjalan menyusuri ratusan perbukitan dari ujung barat ke ujung timur tempat camping area sebagai tempat menyambut matahari tiba.

Pemandangan saat tracking Gunung Prau tidaklah hanya merasakan sensasi melihat matahari terbit yang terkenal akan golden sunrisenya. Gunung Prau akan memanjakan mata setiap para pengunjung dengan suguhan utama panorama perbukitan terhampar luas yang sering di sebut bukit teletubbies. Disinilah para wisatawan dapat bermanja-manja ria dengan bunga-bunga daisy yang tumbuh seperti taman di bukit-bukit teletubbies.

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Dieng a land above the clouds in Wonosobo Indonesia

Dieng land above the clouds is one interesting phenomenon when we visited Wonosobo in Indonesia precisely in the Dieng Plateau, we can see the natural wonder that is as thick clouds sea of clouds at the foot of the mighty mountains around the area Dieng. This was why Dieng in dubbed as the land above the clouds. the right time to witness the phenomenon Dieng land above the clouds. Dieng phenomenon of land above the clouds will be in the can when sunrise arrives precisely in the morning before the sun break the clumps of clouds were hovering. Dieng adna can witness the phenomenon of land above the clouds from the top of the hill Sikunir, Mountaintop Prau, Mountaintop Pakuwojo, relay Pandang Tieng even from the White Wadas village (village after the relay Pandang Tieng

LAUTAN AWAN DIENG, Wonosobo, Indonesia


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